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The impact of social media on kids’ mental health: How to Protect Your Kids

The impact of social media on kids' mental health

The impact of social media on kids’ mental health: All parents should deeply understand what is written in this article and see if your child is not doing this, if he is doing it then, you should know how to stop it? We will explain everything in this article to you in the same way as we explain to a child, so understand the article very deeply. Kids, we are going to talk about a very important thing today: It is very important to protect yourself when you use the internet and social media. Just as your elders look after you, they also want to see that you stay safe when you’re playing online.

Once upon a time in the olden days, people used to get warnings on cigarette packets that it is dangerous for health. But now we have a new thing to worry about – and that is, is it about children with social media and how it can affect their emotions?

Some sensible people think that those who make gadgets and apps should do more to make them safe for kids. They want everyone to be happy and safe.

Do you know that many young people, like you, use social media? They spend time on apps and websites to chat with their friends and have fun. But sometimes, it makes them a little sad or worried.

Experts are watching how much time children are spending on these apps. They are getting worried because spending too much time online can get kids into trouble.

A reporter talked to parents whose little girl is only 5-10 years old like you. She asked if your baby girl can share a photo on social media. Although she is young, she wants to know what her friends are doing.

The impact of social media on kids’ mental health

Do you know that you must be 13 years of age to create your own account on social media? But sometimes children of 8 to 12 years also use it. Don’t you find it interesting?

Sometimes, people who know more about technology say that big companies should do more to protect children. It is just like we wear seat belt for safety when we go in a car.

People are looking for ways for parents and children to stay safe online together. They understand that the future of children is important to us and we must protect them.

One doctor also pointed out that social media can be good for connecting with friends and getting support. But he wants us all to be careful and sometimes to stop and think.

Mind you, every family is different, so we must understand that one method may not fit all. Doctors and experts want us all to be happy and safe.

So, just as you listen to adults when they tell you to look both ways before crossing the street, we want to make sure you understand ways to stay safe on the Internet. (The impact of social media on kids’ mental health)

Stay informed, have fun and take care, there are great people in the world who care about your safety!

Ways to keep children safe online and on social media:

1. **The Importance of Safe Use:** When children use the internet and social media, they should know why it is important to take prime care of their safety. To make them understand that just like we take care of our body, they need to take care of their online safety as well.

2. **Social Awareness:** It is important to give children awareness related to the use of social media. They should teach you how your personal information is protected and how they can protect their privacy.

3. **Importance of Sharing Information:** It is necessary to explain to children what kind of information they share on social media. They should explain that they do not share personal information such as address, phone number, or school name as it may jeopardize their safety.

4. **Observance of age limit:** Children should be explained that how old they should be to create their own account on the social media platform. Generally, age above 13 years is necessary but it is necessary to teach children that they should follow this rule so that their safety remains.

5. **Improperty of time:** It is necessary to follow the limit of time children spend on social media. They should be told that without wasting time, how they can give time to their other important work.

6. **DIGITAL RESPONSE SKILLS:** It is essential to teach children how to properly understand different types of reactions on social media and what type of messages to respond to so that they respond intelligently to any situation Can do

7. **Know Your Own Limits:** It is essential to teach children how to recognize their own limits and how to say no and be courageous when they feel disagreeable in any situation Are.

Consider whether your children need to use social media. There are times they don’t need it, and it might be better for them. (The impact of social media on kids’ mental health)

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