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How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader – 3 Proven Tips

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

How to be a good Team Leader

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader: The ability to work effectively while leading a team is critical to the current market, where all employees are analyzed in detail. Teamwork is also important in school, sports, and group activities. To be a good leader, you need to know how to listen and communicate with the rest of the group, respecting everyone’s ideas and suggestions, and maintaining high morale. With a positive attitude, a little creativity, and an open mind, you can become a great team leader.

Method 1 of 3: Determining leadership

1. Establish a hierarchy.

Unprofessional team leaders are not just those professionals who only know how to command everyone and demand respect that is never deserved. They are also those who do not establish a clear and transparent hierarchy within the team.

If you are a leader, then you are at the top. You have the last word in the decisions and assign different roles to the rest of the team. (How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

Have a meeting with the whole team, especially if you are new to the leadership position or if the team was recently formed. During the meeting, discuss everyone’s role and be clear when defining who to apply to.



Make a chart with the name and title of each team member. The table should contain a hierarchical system and represent you at the top, then the employee who reports directly to you, and so on.

Also, clarify your intention to respect each other’s roles and show that you know how important and vital the participation of each member is for the success of the team.


2. Take time to lead

This does not only mean maintaining open and frequent communication with the team, helping them to answer any questions. It also means filling in any gaps, solving problems, and working harder than everyone else, and often longer.

An incompetent leader delegates projects and tasks to everyone and goes home earlier. A good leader constantly takes care that everyone is on the right path and that the team is organized and pursues possible delays.

Be available when needed, but set limits that everyone should respect. The team should have your attention when you need it, but not every time a question arises. Use the hierarchy to create a chain of command and define boundaries.

How to be a good team leader


In addition, set limits on the scope of work for both you and your team. Before accepting a leadership position, negotiate your own workload with a supervisor so that you can be available to the team. Then do the same with your team.

As a leader, you may need to stay in the office longer than other team members, work earlier, or even work on weekends. Your goal should be to prevent everyone else from doing so. Set realistic limits on your workload so that other people on the team are not too stressed or overworked.


3. Guided by example.

It’s like time to lead. As a team leader, you will have more parquet, a higher salary, and maybe a day or two more, but you will also have more responsibilities. Ultimately, all team mistakes are your fault and responsibility.

Treat everyone with the same respect. Maintain open and honest communication and show that you are there to solve any problems and make all the necessary adjustments that affect the whole group.

How to be a good team leader - How to become a good team leader


Respect other teams and employees in other departments. Never criticize other people or departments, especially when you are close to your team. After all, when you see him behaving in a certain way, people can believe that they can behave in a similar way. This type of behavior is disrespectful and unprofessional, and the responsibility for that falls on you.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

4. Delegate as needed.

While your job is not just to delegate tasks to other people, to be a good leader you need to know when to delegate. Make it clear what your expectations are about what each person should do and accomplish. Don’t be careful, trust the team to do the job you have to do.

Decide. People will probably follow you and respect you if you can make quick and smart decisions. Others notice when we procrastinate and may see it as a weakness. You are here to lead and make decisions, so be prepared for that.

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If you are faced with a decision that affects any team member or you do not have all the information needed to make a well-informed decision, contact your team. Request a report or project status update that can help you make a decision. Talk to the team about available options and ask for suggestions.


5. Manage projects, lead people

Being a good leader means being able to distinguish between managing all the projects the team works with and leading the people who work on those projects. Although you must oversee everything and each project, you must enable each team member to do the work for which they are engaged.

Management focuses more on tasks, controlling meetings and events, creating and controlling the schedule of all employees, and allocating adequate time and resources for each task that needs to be performed properly.


How to be a good team leader - How to become a good team leader


To lead a team, it is necessary to support and motivate members to perform the tasks assigned to them. A good leader doesn’t talk about management and he doesn’t talk about how other people should do every little thing. Instead, inspire and motivate people to come up with ideas and methods that work best for each individual.

Method 2 of 3: Relationship to the team

1. Don’t demand respect, win

You probably deserved that leadership position and it wasn’t assigned to you because it’s simply an acquired right. Therefore, understand the role of a leader as a privilege.

Although he is in charge of the team and therefore above the other members, the rest of the group should respect his role as leader.

Win the respect of others by being a confident and competent member. Maintain a positive attitude towards the team as a whole and towards each individual member. Listen to the team and ask everyone to make suggestions.


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Sometimes you will need to be creative and make intuitive decisions in the midst of the moment. The decision will not always make the team happy. Explain clearly why you made such a decision and ask for suggestions or the opinion of the team. (How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader)

Listen to what they have to say and appreciate the ideas that come up. People will be more willing to accept your leadership role when they know that every opinion is heard and valued.

Stick to a schedule. If the personal and professional schedule of the team is not respected and respected, it can affect everyone’s morale and their opinion of you as a leader. .

Allow time for everyone to have a personal life. Discuss schedules regularly on a weekly basis and hold a meeting every Monday to set a schedule for the rest of the week.

Also, give the team enough time to work on the project. Interrupting a task because something more important has happened can cause conflicts. Once you know the task needs to be done, let the team know.

Often, if another department or your boss requires an urgent task or project, your job as a leader is to get more time. It should be the first line of defense against other departments.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

2. Listen to others.

Even though you are a leader and a person responsible for making decisions, you still need to seek the opinions and ideas of other team members. Try to include these suggestions whenever possible. Encourage the contribution of ideas to solve a particular problem or complete a task.

Accept the suggestions of others. When someone comes up with an idea, think about it. Think about how you can improve it. A good leader is one who listens, not speaks. Show flexibility.


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How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

If someone offers an idea or solution, don’t ignore it by saying you’ve already tried that specific approach. Phrases that start with “Yes, but” should also be avoided. Instead of rejecting the idea, think again, maybe it will work now, although it hasn’t happened before.

Talk to the team. Ask questions to get more information about an idea. It is not the job of the leader to reject an idea that may not work, but to help the team find a solution.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

3. Turn everything on.

If some people are a little late for a project or task, help them. Maintain a positive attitude and spend time with everyone to assess why a particular problem exists. Find a suitable task for each team member, regardless of their skill or level.

If you are helping someone who is having a hard time doing something, it is not enough to show how to accomplish that task. In addition to not being effective in learning to perform the task, it will also reduce their morale. No one likes to feel incompetent or inadequate.

Be positive and receptive to the opportunity to help. Be happy that someone wants to learn and improve. Help him complete each step of the task. If you are busy, make an appointment for help.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

4. Encourage the team.

Sometimes people are afraid to try something, and here a leader is needed. You should encourage the group. Show the team that, although this task is difficult, it is possible and try to make it fun. Celebrate the positive results of someone’s work. (How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader)

Enthusiasm is contagious. If you’re excited, the rest of the team will probably be excited about the project as well. If the group respects you and admires you as a leader, your enthusiasm and encouragement will encourage creativity and a desire for quality performance.


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Thank you all for a job well done, even if it’s a small thing. Small compliments and acknowledgments can be more effective than large ones. Even if you can’t reward someone’s good deed by increasing their salary, verbal respect is very valuable.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

If the team is doing well, consider taking everyone to lunch and celebrating all the hard work. During lunch, take the time to connect more personally with everyone. Let them talk about work when you’re in the office and get to know who your team members are outside the company.

Simply “thank you” goes a long way. Taking a minute or two to stop and thanking your team members shows that you care and trust your team.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

Method 3 of 3: Providing guidance

1. You know what you’re talking about

If you are as confused as other team members, how will they know what to do? As a leader, you need to conduct a survey, gather as much information as possible about the project, and know to whom each task should be assigned.

Conduct external research on a topic or project to gain all the knowledge needed to answer questions and discuss ideas while leading the group.

Pay attention to the team. Listen to all members and pay attention to the strengths and abilities of each individual. When it comes to delegating tasks and functions, you need to be able to assign the right task to each person.


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By learning all you can about the team and the projects you work with, you can act as an authority and provide tools to make the team as effective as possible.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

2. Enjoy the leadership.

While leaders need to take things seriously, there’s no reason why you can’t have fun. Just be careful not to get too excited. Create a balance between the serious work you need to do and maintaining the morale and mood of the team.

Sometimes it can be a bad day for you. The same goes for the rest of the team. If a person is frustrated or lost in a task, this is your time to shine: use your great personality and sense of humor to help him. Talk to her about the cause of the stress and help her find a solution.

How to be a good team leader - How to become a good team leader


Helping a team is a fun part of the job. Planning, setting tasks, and meeting deadlines and regulations can outsmart you, so take advantage of every moment you can to help someone.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

3. Pay attention to morale.

The team with morale down there will not perform well. You need to establish a positive spirit, create clear goals and show how the work is feasible and possible. No one wants to run after impossible goals.

If morale is low, encourage honest conversation about the reasons for this problem. This can be a bigger problem, related to the company as a whole, which you cannot solve quickly. However, you can come up with some creative ideas on how to help the team, even on a smaller scale. (How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader)

Hold meetings that walk. No one likes to sit for hours in a cluttered room and talk about every detail of a project. The movement maintains blood flow and facilitates clarity, resulting in great ideas. If you can, lead the team to a short meeting outside the office, or even through it. (How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader)

Use games and difficulties as rewards or brainstorming techniques or play ball during a meeting to discuss new goals.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader


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Set fun goals and reward them for meeting them. You will need to set specific goals for the project and for the department that your team will need to achieve, but you will also be able to set a goal for yourself. You may be able to set a goal for the team to complete the project phase by a certain date.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

If the team is successful, at the end of the day you will take everyone to the bar, or plan an excursion yourself that is fun but can also help them in the project.

This will not always be the case, but if you work in a more creative environment, you can promote an excursion to connect with each of the team members or explore a topic relevant to the job.

Face the frustrations right away. If someone is upset or unhappy, do not wait until the situation worsens. Talk to that person and work with them to find a solution. This will show that you are paying attention and that you care.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader


Always be kind to everyone on the team.
Always respect everyone’s opinion.
A good leader always helps others and never leaves anyone behind.
If someone makes a mistake, don’t get upset. Team members are human beings and we all make mistakes. Just try to help and be kind. Your task is to try to prevent mistakes from happening again, demonstrate the right course of action, and make up for any mistakes that occur.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

Don’t be too dominant. Behave in a kind and respectful manner.
If possible, team up with people who work well together. If that is not possible, your task is to lead the weakest member and help him become a more efficient person. Use the help of colleagues. Put the strongest individual on the team to work with the weakest and demonstrate how to do the job.

How to be a good team leader – How to Become a Team Leader

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