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How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips

How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips


How to contol thoughts explain guruji

How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips: How we think affects our whole life. If people knew how to competently manage their thought forms and take them under full control from birth, just like brushing their teeth, then the world would be much more harmonious and healthier. Because our whole life depends on how we think. And with the right thinking, not a single event can drive a person crazy – any cognitive psychotherapist can prove this to you.

Lest you think I’m composing all this on the go, you can read about people like Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, the creators of cognitive therapy , that is, work on your thoughts. They have released many books, and I decided to combine all this information into an article. Of course, this will be a drop in the ocean, but I would like to introduce you to the main and main points. (How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips)


1. Acquaintance with a girl

Let’s imagine a situation where a guy wants to approach a girl on the street, but is embarrassed to do so. What does he usually think about it? Something like this: “If she refuses me, then I will look stupid in front of people” or “What if she has a boyfriend who will obviously not be happy with my approach to her?” Thinking like this, this person will never approach a girl for the purpose of dating.

But if he worked on these thoughts, constantly writing rational judgments in a notebook, then very quickly he could get to know each other in this way.

What do you need to write down in this case, you ask? It will look something like this: “I don’t know what will happen if I approach this girl, and I won’t know until I approach. I accept that we may not get to know each other, because I should NOT get everything right the first time. The worst thing that can happen is that we just won’t communicate with her.”

If he writes these thoughts in a notebook every day, then very soon, at the sight of a girl he likes, he will approach her almost without fear. And the second time he makes it even easier, and so on. Because he worked through this situation, and removed the unnecessary restriction in his head.


2. Girl waiting for exam results

The girl is waiting for the results of the exam and is very worried. She thinks something like this: “If I fail the exam, it will be terrible, and there is no point in living further.”

With such thoughts, she will be in constant tension, which is not surprising. And if she replaced her thoughts with: “I did everything I could, and now nothing depends on me. The worst thing that can happen is that I don’t pass the exam and will try to retake it, ”then after a while there would be no trace of her tension.


How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips

With an ardent desire, everyone can develop right thinking. To do this, you need to change some behavioral settings.


1. Do not be afraid of psychotherapists

By working through each situation in this way, you make your life much easier and open up a lot of new opportunities. It’s just that in Russia they don’t teach this, unfortunately. But you can turn to a cognitive-behavioral therapist who will help you in this work – after all, as I said, our whole life depends on the initial thoughts. And do not be afraid of psychotherapists, because these are not psychiatrists who will treat you with pills and injections. (How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips)


2. Write down the right thoughts

Does it seem like a difficult job to you to constantly write down the right thoughts? This is because you have not been taught to do this since childhood and nothing more. After all, you have been writing essays, summaries and dictations for at least 9 years at school – and then, only for the sake of some kind of assessment in your diary and certificate. And work on thoughts is much more important than these assessments. Therefore, if you take responsibility for the quality of your thoughts, then your life will quickly change for the better.


3. work on yourself

But, unfortunately, people, instead of actively working on themselves, begin to drink alcohol and take other drugs. Yes, this is a quick way to clear unnecessary thoughts and escape from the harsh reality, but it is extremely dangerous, and I think you yourself know this.

For specific ways to engage with your thoughts, you can read books by Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis, or work with a cognitive therapist. In any case, when you manage to work through at least one painful situation for you, you will become addicted to this business! By working on yourself in this way, you will never have depressions, neuroses and anxieties. Because you will have a lot of life options in your head, which are so lacking in depressed individuals who feel that their life has reached a dead end.

In short, something like this. I will finish the article, and I hope I gave you useful information. I wish you to use it to your advantage and be healthy for the rest of your life!

(How to control thoughts: Tips to control thoughts – 3 Proven Tips)

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