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How to focus on homework: Homework, is there a single student who likes them? You already think that you do a lot at school and you still need to be educated outside the school desk.

Almost no student wants to do homework, usually, it happens by starting at the last minute (one or two days before submission), writing, solving examples and making presentations by early morning and then earning an average grade. (How to focus on homework)

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In this article, I will tell you how to focus on homework or how to do your homework efficiently and quickly. Your work will be better, earn better grades and prepare better for the upcoming exams. I guarantee that you will not have circles under your eyes!

How to Do Homework – 7 Steps!

1. Write them down

You will never do homework unless you even know it. It is absolutely essential that you write down dates for exams, homework, and exams. Get a high-quality diary or use a smart to-do application like todo-ist or Microsoft todo.

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Microsoft To Do


I had a friend in high school who wrote down all the dates in his diary, but he was wasting because he often did the job wrong. Watch your lessons, write down what you need to do to get the job done correctly. When a Czech writer assigns you a slogan, write not only the slogan into the diary, but also write down the details: In what genre is the work assigned? What topic should I write on? On which page of the textbook can I find more information? (How to focus on homework)

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2. Start solving them at school

What’s the worst thing about doing tasks? If you are like most students, you have the biggest problem getting started. You know that you have to submit the task on Friday, but you usually postpone it until Thursday for a whole week, even then you will not be able to get to work so easily, but you will do it until evening.



I recommend that you do your homework at school. This will remove the initial paralysis. For example, you are given the task of calculating a few examples, calculating the lightest examples in an hour or a long pause. Or write a vowel, think of a headline and start with an introduction. (How to focus on homework)

This procedure has many advantages. The brain does not like work in progress, if you start with something, the head tends to complete the activity. This first step will start you up. You will get rid of the initial paralysis of the task and later work more willingly. (How to focus on homework)

It is terribly annoying when you start with a task, you need to get all the resources, remind yourself what to do and many other inconveniences that delay and dissuade you from working. When you have a task fresh in your head, you do not have to solve these things and start working. You don’t have to dig through your workbooks and diaries to find the job’s requirements.

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This procedure has one more advantage. Your mind can solve examples, even if you don’t consciously solve them. You have experienced it many times: You did not understand an example in mathematics, you fought it for a while, then you did not think about it at all, and when you dealt it a second time, it was a moment and you were able to solve it immediately. Allow the brain to think of the heavy passages, and he slowly begins to solve them subconsciously, when you do real work, it will be much easier. (How to focus on homework)

3. Work under pressure, huh?

In the introduction, I promised you that I would teach you to do tasks faster and more efficiently.

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I want you to do your tasks under time pressure and with maximum intensity. I highly recommend that you use pomodoro technique , which I describe in more detail in the article.

It’s simple, you only need a timer (cell phone) and a piece of paper. First, select the task you will be working on, then turn on the timer for 25 minutes and do the task all the time. When the time runs out, take a 5-minute break. (How to focus on homework)

What does a piece of paper do? Whenever you have a distracting thought, write it down on paper, the brain will realize that the thought is on paper and may come back to it later, so it will stop thinking about it.

Why does this technique work?

When you work on pomodoro you are still under time pressure, it forces you to work much faster than under normal circumstances. You involve mental centers that you would not normally activate. The brain keeps reminding himself that he is not running out of time, and therefore works at full speed. (How to focus on homework)

You focus on process rather than results. The brain is usually afraid of tasks that are focused on concrete results. If you say that you have to write 1000 words in an hour, your brain will startle and will not want to go to work at all. But when you say that you will write homework for 25 minutes, the head has nothing to worry about and begins to work with determination, knowing it will not be that long “suffering”. (How to focus on homework)

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4. Curl with procrastination – smaller tasks

In the previous point, I have briefly indicated how to combat procrastination. Simply do not put a lot of pressure on yourself in terms of results, but rather focus on the process of doing something.

Your mind is also afraid of enormous tasks, if you have to write a bachelor thesis of at least 60 pages, you don’t want to do it and you tend to postpone it. There is one easy tip that will make you work. (How to focus on homework)

Divide a large task into small tasks.

Consider the example of a bachelor thesis, you could divide it into a few steps.

Choosing a theme
Research all the resources I need
Create chapter and subtitle titles to make it easier to write
Consultation with the professor and check if my work makes sense
Writing itself
Stylistics repair
Read aloud and correct grammatical errors

When you see such a big task crushed, you realize that it may not be so terrible. Just turn on the timer for 25 minutes and start exploring the resources you need, etc.

Remember, quality results are based on regular work! Have you seen any athletes who would win the Olympics by training for 20 hours before the race, or do races usually win by those who prepare regularly?

5. When doing your homework, do your homework

Many people feel they can do more than one thing at a time, but it’s a huge mistake. Your mind works best and fastest in a state of flow. I.e. a state in which you focus only on one thing. Everything seems to be much better and faster.

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When you jump from activity to activity, for example: calculating mathematical examples and responding to messages, you’re not getting the most out of your brain because you’re unable to dive in, part of your concentration is devoted to reports, so you can never achieve such good results. (How to focus on homework)

Moreover, the mind needs undisturbed concentration in order to understand the curriculum perfectly. Constantly jumping from activity to activity is exhausting for your head, you get tired much faster.

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So the advice is: When doing the homework, do only the homework. When you have fun, have fun 100%. But never combine the two things together, never really enjoy either, or do quality work. Would you enjoy watching a popular series while calculating maths? Do you think you could calculate the examples well and quickly?

On this issue I recommend the article: How to train concentration

6. Start with the heavy, then do something else

I have already told you about aha moments when solving examples, you should apply this principle not only in school.

Many people tend to start with light examples and gradually get to heavy examples. Others count according to the entered order.

I suggest that you start with the most difficult examples. Solve them, try to figure out the procedure, get a little bothered with them, but if you find that you can’t, stop and start solving the easy task. Then do a light task, a medium task, and then return to the hard task. Very often you will realize during this pause how the example is solved, as the brain will subconsciously work on this example even when you are counting light examples.

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Do the same with the tests, first start with difficult examples, questions. Try to fight them for a while if you can’t get stuck, move on to light tasks, and then go back to the difficult one. (How to focus on homework)

Be careful not to spend too much time on a difficult example. The goal is not to solve it for the first time, but rather to get the data into the brain, which the head starts processing immediately. Once you get stuck or don’t realize where you are making mistakes, move on to the easy task. Especially when testing do not waste precious time!

7. Favorite environment

Which of you procrastinates? The answer will probably be loud: Me. For most of you, it is not such a big problem to do the task, but the biggest obstacle is to get yourself! That is why I advise you that you should start with the example as quickly as possible;

If you have some type of task you really do not like. Change your environment and turn your task into an event you can look forward to. (How to focus on homework)

What do I mean?

Let’s say you hate mathematics and you’ve got a really big assignment. Make it an event and head to your favorite place. Maybe it’s summer and you have a favorite park or forest nearby, or you like to go to a particular cafe. Pack all your stuff and go there. The important thing is to pack only the necessary things, do not take your laptop, if you do not need it, leave your home and mobile phone, do without it, at least it will not disturb you. (How to focus on homework)

Then you come to your favorite place and you have nothing else to do but the homework. That’s what I call efficiency.

Ideally, if you tell your friends about this “event” in advance, they will not disturb you and count on being already busy. You don’t necessarily have to tell them that you’re going to do the job at your favorite coffee shop and you can’t do anything throughout Thursday, you can lie to them and think of a better excuse. (How to focus on homework)

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Avoid friends, huh?

Nowadays, so-called study groups or learning with friends etc. are very popular. Personally, I am not a big supporter of this “method of learning” or the way to do homework. (How to focus on homework)

When I imagine that I should learn with a bunch of my friends, I know very well that we would not learn much, because we would always talk about something completely different from a task. We would have done very little, and I would have to finish it at home, which means that I would have lost enough time, even not really enjoying the time spent with my friends.

How to focus on homework


We learn best when we are alone. The brain needs to figure out some things alone to better understand and store them. Great learning methods require isolation from the environment, because you often speak aloud when learning and need complete peace of mind. (How to focus on homework)

Search for study groups with friends only if you don’t really understand something and have already tried to do it yourself. Example: You are doing a math homework, you can’t calculate anything yourself, you don’t understand, it doesn’t help you on the Internet either, then it makes sense for you to go to a smart friend and ask him for an explanation. (How to focus on homework)

Thank you very much for getting here, I appreciate it a lot, as the article was quite long. In a few words I would summarize it as follows:

Always record everything in your diary, if you have a spare time, start solving tasks already at school, pay attention in the lessons and write detailed examples (they will help you understand the methodology of counting), try big projects for small tasks, motivate yourself to work better with healthy pressure (pomodoro technique). (How to focus on homework)

Start with the toughest, then move on to easy tasks. And if you really do not want something, make it an event you can look forward to and finally work on the tasks yourself.

What do you get the most from? Tell me about it in the comments. How to focus on homework

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