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HomeHow to do AnythingAuto Responder Twitter - The complete guide to automatic Twitter response

Auto Responder Twitter – The complete guide to automatic Twitter response

Auto Responder Twitter – Twitter Auto Responder

Auto Responder Twitter – There was little discussion of the plague of excessive automation of particular accounts. But automation could be useful! More and more brands are utilizing it elsewhere to their occasion operations, we tell you all about these automatic responses that now mark our timelines. ( twitter auto responder )

Twitter announced in November the deployment of two new features within the direct messages (DM): welcome messages and quick responses, all to facilitate exchanges between business and customers (B-to-C ).
Welcome messages can be set so that a first message is displayed when someone tries to contact the company.

In other words, this type of message is inserted automatically when the conversation begins, without any action is necessary, except for the preparation of this welcome text, of course.

If you want to set up a company account and add a welcome message, you have to go to the settings or to this address

Twitter Welcome Message

Auto Responder Twitter

It is possible to create several, add links to tweets, applications or sites, etc. It’s a way to show the business’s commitment to its prospects and customers, with a simple welcome and attractive greeting.

Direct Answers are a help to the business and provide a list of fully composed answers that guide conversations more easily or save writing time in the worst case.

This system is already used in Gmail on mobiles in the United States (and elsewhere it seems to me) and works pretty well, so these suggested answers can be handy for speeding up the management of direct messages on Twitter.

Automation of response on Twitter can also be used to brighten a game organized on the community. Instead of the easy”follow and RT to acquire” we could add parameters to increase the experience and innovate.

Watch out for drifts!

First concern: spam. If an automatic response is poorly though it can quickly become spam. A few brands were made poorly configuring their answers, result instead of being real answers messages were sent each time to all followers of the account. And seeing 10 times a minute the same message has never been very pleasant …

Think about all the parameters that come into play in your automatic answer! The diversions could well cause you concern. A message that can be completed or interpreted with the addition of a username is to be avoided (especially when you can create a Twitter account very easily just to troll the robot by taking a username which helps to divert the campaign).

Also, be careful that you answer automatically. We already imagine banks or credit agencies offer their customers to receive the balance of their account or credit against a tweet. For the pleasure of innovation. All this is public and visible to all other Twitter users, beware of the information that passes through these robots! (Auto Responder Twitter)

Twitter Auto Responder

The repetition. Innovative campaigns are good when it’s innovative. When it’s just to do like others and bring nothing new, it’s more embarrassing. What was innovative a few months ago has become mainstream and will not have the same impact on future campaigns.

Then watch out for drifts that include “third party” accounts. One thinks in particular of the operation of Pierre & Vacances which makes it possible to include other users by mentioning them in his tweet. Brands and institutions may see this in a bad light. ( twitter auto responder )

When some are very picky on the questions of law one imagines that to be associated with a more or less troll unknown on visuals of holidays will not enchant them. ( Auto Responder Twitter )


To summarize, the automatic answer can be very interesting if it proposes something new for a truly original experience. Several tools allow to easily configure this kind of answer with one or more response variables, we will talk about it very soon. If you know them, do not hesitate to send us comments!

Auto Responder Twitter – Auto Responder Twitter – twitter auto responder


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